Every Student,

Every Teacher,

Every School,


Protecting our children and teachers from bullying and improving their mental health.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a culture at every school in Australia, where all teachers and students feel safe, respected, appreciated, liked and happy – which is an ideal learning environment.

Jeff Horn

National Ambassador

I became the National Ambassador for Bullyproof Australia because bullying and mental health are issues very close to my heart. Most people know me as an Olympian and former world boxing champion – but I was repeatedly bullied at school and eventually became a schoolteacher. This is a fight we’re all in together and one we simply must win – the future of our kids depend on us. Please support Bullyproof Australia in every way you can.

Bullying and Mental Health – Massive Social Problems

Bullying and mental health are massive social problems in Australian schools, wreaking havoc on our education system and the mental health of our children, as well as teachers.

Bullying No Way states that 29% of Year 8s reported frequent school bullying and according to the 2015 Australian Government, one third (34.3%) of 11-17 year-olds had been bullied in the previous 12 months. The Alannah and Madeline Foundation commissioned Price Waterhouse Coopers to compile a report, The economic cost of bullying in Australian schools (March 2018). They concluded that each year, 543,000 bully perpetrators instigate more than 45 million bullying incidents at school and that almost 25 per cent of school students in Australia, or an estimated 910,000 children, experience bullying at some stage during their time in school and that the consequences of bullying last for many years after schooling is complete. This report has identified that the costs associated with bullying total an estimated $2.3 billion, incurred while the children are in school and for 20 years after school completion, for each individual school year group.

Mental Health

One in seven Australian young people are affected by a mental disorder. Mental illness in young people can affect core areas such as education, achievement, relationships, and occupational success. According to a report by On the Line, mental health issues are estimated to cost the Australian economy up to $60 billion annually.

Bullyproof Australia – Making a Difference

We are a registered charity focused on three key areas of support: bullying prevention and management, mental health improvement and academic performance, which are closely related.

We deliver a highly effective resilience program to schools designed to improve mental health and provide practical solutions to a wide range of bullying situations, with continuing support through each student’s schooling career. The program is designed to change the culture at schools, to create an ideal learning environment where students feel safe, appreciated, respected, liked and happy.

We’re here to help



1300 881 650

Open Hours

Monday to Friday 8 AM – 5 PM

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