Bullyproof Australia

Get Financial Support for Your School


Bullyproof Australia (“Bullyproof”) provide financial support to Australian government, Catholic and independent primary and secondary schools for:

  • bullying prevention and management for students and teachers;
  • conflict resolution training for students and teachers;
  • mental health improvement for students and teachers;
  • academic improvement; and
  • ongoing development and support for students, teachers and parents.

Unveiling the Challenge: Bullying and Mental Health in Australian Schools

School bullying is a serious problem in Australian schools, negatively impacting all students (victims, perpetrators, and bystanders), as well as teachers. It also negatively affects the school culture and can ultimately lead to youth crime and domestic violence.

Mental health is also a continuing and growing problem. Together, bullying and mental health are costing Australia many billions of dollars per year and hindering schools from achieving their academic objectives, as various government studies have confirmed the relationship between educational attainment and the frequency of bullying.

Bullyproof believe that Australian schools should be a place where both students and teachers feel safe, respected, appreciated, liked, and happy, which is an ideal learning environment – but if nothing changes, nothing changes!

A paper, Children who bully at school, produced by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, confirms that a school-based program designed to reduce behaviour problems, is a very effective approach to reduce bullying. Bullyproof implement the extremely effective AMAYDA Resilience Program (“ARP”), which has achieved outstanding results across thousands of school children since 2018.

The current focus of Bullyproof is to introduce the ARP into all Australian primary and secondary schools as soon as possible.

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Transforming School Culture: ARP's Mission

The ARP is about changing the culture at Australian schools to create an ideal learning environment. We owe it to the children, who are the future leaders of our country. We also owe it to the teachers to provide them with a safe and enjoyable workplace, free from the constant problem of managing behavioural incidents, as well as bullying from students and parents.

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Bullyproof realise that schools have limited funding available to address these issues, which is why we are continually raising funds to ease the financial burden on schools. We’re also aware of the time constraints faced by schools. We address these two problems by:

  • Raising funding through governments, companies and individuals to support schools.
  • Keeping the program to ten half-hour lessons at primary school and ten one-hour lessons at secondary school, which makes the ARP relatively easy to implement. As teachers currently spend, on average, 15% of their time managing behaviour incidents, the ARP can increase teacher efficiency. Most schools complete the ARP at one lesson per week over a single school term. The reason we can achieve such positive results is because the ARP is supported by the Culture Pack and the Mentor App, which is made available to all students (from Grade 4 onwards), teachers and parents and provides ongoing 24/7 support until students complete Grade 12.
  • The ARP provides schools with valuable data to enable them to monitor the culture at their school.
  • The ARP is licensed to schools. The school nominates the teachers they would like to run the program (often HPE teachers) who complete the online training course, after which Bullyproof staff come to each school and teach the selected ARP Teachers how to run the program, which they can roll out in accordance with their timetables. The program support materials provided to the ARP Teachers are exceptional, which is designed to make implementing and running the program as easy as possible.
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High School Principals, Unlock Funding for Change

If you are a principal from an Australian primary or secondary school seeking financial support for bullying and mental health, please complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss how we can assist with funding to implement the highly successful AMAYDA Resilience Program at your school as soon as possible.

Apply for Financial Support

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